This week's scriptures for Proper 12 from the Daily Office Lectionary in the Book of Common Prayer:
Sunday 24, 29 v 8, 84
Joshua 24:1-15 Acts 28:23-31 Mark 2:23-28
Monday 56, 57, [58] v 64, 65
Joshua 24:16-33 Rom. 16:1-16 Matt. 27:24-31
Tuesday 61, 62 v 68:1-20(21-23)24-36
Judges 2:1-5, 11-23 Rom. 16:17-27 Matt. 27:32-44
Wednesday 72 v 119:73-96
Judges 3:12-30 Acts 1:1-14 Matt. 27:45-54
Thursday [70], 71 v 74
Judges 4:4-23 Acts 1:15-26 Matt. 27:55-66
Friday 69:1-23(24-30)31-38 v 73
Judges 5:1-18 Acts 2:1-21 Matt. 28:1-10
Saturday 75, 76 v 23, 27
Judges 5:19-31 Acts 2:22-36 Matt. 28:11-20
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