Scriptures for the Week of Epiphany and Following from the Daily Office Lectionary in the Book of Common Prayer.
Epiphany - Isa. 52: 7-10, Rev. 21: 22-27, Matt. 12: 14-21
Jan. 7 - Isa. 52: 3-6, Rev. 2: 1-7, John 2: 1-11
Jan 8. - Isa. 59: 15-21, Rev. 2: 8-17, John 4: 46-54
Jan. 9 - Isa. 63: 1-5, Rev. 2: 18-29, John 5: 1-15
Jan. 10 - Isa. 65: 1-9, Rev. 3: 1-6, John 6: 1-14
Jan. 11 - Isa. 65: 13-16, Rev. 3: 7-13, John 6: 15-27
Jan. 12 - Isa. 66: 1-2, 22-23, Rev. 3: 14-22, John 9: 1-12, 35-38
Eve of 1 Epiphany - Isa. 61: 1-9, Gal. 3: 23-29, 4: 4-7