In this week's conversation between Dr. James Emery White and co-host Alexis Drye, they discuss how in today's world, it truly takes courage for parents to raise their kids in a way that honors the Christian faith. And an area of parenting where people tend to struggle the most is when it comes to whether it's okay to discipline our children. Culture has shifted toward the trend of “gentle parenting” - also known as “mindful” or “intentional” parenting. But is this the best way to go? Is it even biblical?
There were two articles that Dr. White found to be helpful for this conversation that we want to share with you:
Jessica Winter, “The Harsh Realm of ‘Gentle Parenting,'” The New Yorker Magazine, online HERE.
Fiona Macrae and Paul Sims, “The Spoilt Generation: Parents Who Fail to Exert Authority Breeding Youngsters with No Respect for Anyone,” DailyMail, online HERE.
Additionally, there were several Scripture references that Dr. White provided that are helpful when trying to discern where the Bible lands when it comes to parenting. We'd encourage you to look at Proverbs 13:24 and 29:17, as well as Hebrews 12:5-11.
Finally, Dr. White has delivered several parenting series at Mecklenburg Community Church that have always received incredibly positive feedback. You can check these out on Church & Culture, or click the message title below for more information (the series installments are listed for you as well):
“Parent Traps”
Discipline; Peer Pressure; Faith; Education
“Parent-Child Turning Points”
When They Turn Two: Time to Shape the Will; When They Turn Eight: Time to Deepen the Relationship; When They Turn Twelve: Time to Focus on Communication; When They Turn Eighteen: Time to Let Go
“The Under Protective Parent”
The Passive Parent; Relationships; Media; God
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