CCP59: On Calvinism

CCP59: On Calvinism

In this week's conversation between Dr. James Emery White and co-host Alexis Drye, they discuss a topic that has been on the rise as of late - Calvinism. There are really two dynamics behind the ministry of Church & Culture: to look at the interplay between the Church and the culture of our day, but also to examine the culture within the Church itself. And it's with the latter that today's discussion lands.

Episode Links

There are three helpful resources that Dr. White mentioned during the podcast, particularly when it comes to the debate over passages found in Scripture referencing election and predestination, as well as an understanding of Arminianism. They are:

William Klein, The New Chosen People: A Corporate View of Election.

“N. T. Wright on Predestination and Election,” watch on YouTube HERE.

Roger Olson, Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities.

Another topic that came up frequently in the conversation was grace. Dr. White recently delivered a series at Mecklenburg Community Church called “Christianity's Most Scandalous Idea” that focused specifically on grace as it relates to the Christian faith. You can find that series HERE.

Finally, the idea of women in ministry and leadership within the church is a tension point for those who hold to Calvin's beliefs. You can listen to an earlier Church & Culture Podcast on this: CCP7: On Women in Ministry.

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