CCP95: On Gambling

CCP95: On Gambling

In this week's conversation between Dr. James Emery White and co-host Alexis Drye, they discuss whether it is okay for a Christian to take part in gambling. Reports said that more than 68 million people bet on this year's Super Bowl accounting for well north of $23 billion. And with online gambling making it even easier to take part, it's left many Christians wondering whether this is something that is “allowed” within the Christian faith.

Episode Links

If you've tracked with the podcast for a while now, you know this is not the first time we've tackled a “Is it okay for a Christian to…” type of question. To be able to study further the matrix that Dr. White discusses you can find it outlined in his book After “I Believe” which you can find on Amazon HERE or from your favorite bookseller. You can also check out the series that Dr. White gave at Mecklenburg Community Church HERE.

You also heard Alexis mention that we've had other podcasts along these lines, exploring what is or is not okay for a Christian to take part in. Here those are for you if you'd like to go back and listen:

CCP74: On Smoking Marijuana and Drinking Wine

CCP55: On Tattoos and Cosmetic Surgery

CCP38: On Attending Diwali Celebrations and Gay Weddings

CCP22: On Yoga

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