If you find yourself anxious about your and your business' finances, the best place to start is to become fully aware of what's actually coming in and going out of your accounts.
In this episode, Hannah Chapman, CFP, APMA, CRPC, shares why awareness is so important in combating your financial stress and ways she helps her clients become in-tune with their money.
Tune in as Hannah discusses:
Which numbers you should be tracking in your personal and business accounts
Why your anxiety is coming from your lack of awareness
The spreadsheets she uses with her clients and how you can obtain a copy
How clients are often pleasantly surprised when they look at their actual numbers
How you can prioritize your spending on things that matter most to you
Why paying off debt isn't always the best thing to do when you receive a big payout, and what you could consider doing with the money instead
Do you have a question that we can address? Please send it to [email protected] and we will discuss it in a future episode!
Connect with Hannah here:
X² Wealth Planning Website: https://x2wealthplanning.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannah.chapman.cfp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hannahchapmanfinancialadvisor/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahrchapman/
Expansive CEO Website: https://expansiveceo.com/freegift