You're Qualified - To Build A Startup From Scratch

You're Qualified - To Build A Startup From Scratch

The future of the world is uncertain. The young adults of today have A LOT riding on them; not only are they dealing with the tribulations of growing up, as we all did, they are dealing with growing up in a world where navigating the future is not as clear as it used to be. Though, not to be a pessimist -- there is a lot of beauty ahead, as well as serious potential. Eddie Mazariegos is a startup founder and brother of a member of Gen Z. Eddie is on a mission to help others like his brother discover who they are and how they want to contribute to the world. He had to pave this path forward while being pushed in other directions, and he wants to share his story with us all.

Get inspired - and go start that company.

Find Eddie:


Eddie's IG

Future Gen IG


Find Courtney:

Email: [email protected]


