You're Qualified - To Keep Showing Up For Yourself - Progress Over Perfection [Endurance Series]

You're Qualified - To Keep Showing Up For Yourself - Progress Over Perfection [Endurance Series]

Life gets in the way of our goals all of the time. We can't always be fully committed to all of our goals and aspirations - we also have commitments and.. well.. life. What is important, is that you honor the time your life needs, and the time your goals need, even if the amount you give to each category varies depending on your season of life. The key is consistency. Progress over perfection. Just get back to where you left off. The trail, the road, the mountains... they will all be there for you when you are back. And YOU will be there for you, present and ready to take it on again. Sean Robinson is back to talk all about his journey with navigating training, and life, and consistency.

All that matters is you keep going.

Find Sean:

Buy his book: "Going Dry"




Find Courtney:

Email: [email protected]


