#28: Jen Willis, life lessons from climbing Mount Everest with MS (and the metaphorical mountains that followed)

#28: Jen Willis, life lessons from climbing Mount Everest with MS (and the metaphorical mountains that followed)

Jen Willis is a mother, an educator, speaker, coach, and high altitude mountaineer with Multiple sclerosis (MS), who climbed Mount Everest in 2023. Jen's MS diagnosis began in 2008 after the birth of her third child, but wasn't formally confirmed until 10 years later. Upon receiving the formal diagnosis, Jen decided it was time to live her dream of mountaineering, knowing that MS may one day confine her to a wheelchair. Everest wasn't always the goal, but in an attempt to raise funds for MS research, Jen decided to go for it.

Jen joined Megan on the podcast to share her story and the lessons learned along the way. In this episode, she is reflective, open, and vulnerable, sharing what it is like to physically and mentally prepare to climb Everest, recognising the place of the ego, and the emotional (and financial) attachment that comes with such a journey.

Jen came so close to reaching the summit, but in a dramatic and emotional turn of events, she missed out and had to turn back after reaching the 4th, and final camp (above 8000m's). The most important lessons for Jen have come after returning home and experiencing a depression that Jen now refers to as the "abyss." Jen speaks of the irony of identifying so strongly with being on the top of a mountain, only to find more of herself after climbing out of the depths of the abyss. There is a lot we can all learn from Jen's story and she is an incredible storyteller, so this is definitely worth a listen.

Jen is now working towards her new business, “Climb your mountain”- so, you may like to connect with Jen via her LinkedIn to follow along: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jen-willis-0b08a251/

Host: Megan Corcoran, Wagtail Institute, https://wagtailinstitute.com/

Wagtail Institute empowers schools and complex settings to become trauma-informed wellbeing communities of practice where everyone can thrive. We work alongside leaders, educators, and practitioners to respond to wellbeing challenges, enhance trauma-informed practice, and navigate pathways to healing.

The episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Teachers' Well. You can learn more about their work or purchase a compass journal here: https://www.teacherswell.com/

Music by Kabbilistic Village https://kabbalisticvillage.com/