This year is wrapping up quickly and we're approaching Thanksgiving. We talked about some observances November has, along we some feedback from our listeners. Yes I know we don't do feedback segments very often but we do read all the feedback, it just takes a long time sometimes to get Zach & I together to read it all. We had an email from the 1 state we've been missing, and then we wrapped it all up talking about the Spiritual Harvesting time. You mise well join us today for this Nov. 1 episode if you've read this summary this far. You also mise well send us some feedback, Zach & I will be together in person for a little while over the Holidays and would love to read what you've got to say about the podcast or anything. Got a new segment idea? Let us know. Got a Doctrinal topic you'd like for us to add to the list to cover in future episodes? Let us know. Any questions wether they be Spiritual or about food which is still Spiritual, just let us know!
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