Can Games/Art Be Made Selfishly? | Triangle Squared Ep. 237

Can Games/Art Be Made Selfishly? | Triangle Squared Ep. 237

Elden Ring manages brings back around to the forefront the long-running conversation around difficulty and how it does or does not tie into accessibility. Often we hear the arguments about an "artists vision" put up against the argument that when creating, you should account for every possible person who might want to play it. Today, we look at the topic through the question of whether art should be able to be made selfishly, or if it is inherently meant to be put out for others to experience therefore pushing it to account for everyone. We share our thoughts on this, look at the community's feelings of the idea of "Voting With Your Wallet", if Spider-Man coming to Avenger's can move the needle, Metal Gear Solid bringing forth questions of licensing and digital ownership rights, PS5 celebrating it's birthday while simultaneously becoming harder to attain and more! Join us on Triangle Squared: A PlayStation Podcast

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