Spider-Man 2 Swings to Success, Layoffs Hit PlayStation, & more! | Triangle Squared Ep. 327

Spider-Man 2 Swings to Success, Layoffs Hit PlayStation, & more! | Triangle Squared Ep. 327

Enjoy timestamps for topics below:


What We've Been Playing - 0:00

Community's Take: Spider-Man 2 Thoughts? - 8:38

Gaming: Money vs. Time - 25:15

Dev Times Skyrocket Due to Expectations? - 34:57

Question: Insomniac's Output/Quality? - 39:05

Burnout In The Games Industry? - 56:12

Layoffs Hit Sony Teams - 1:05:15

Spider-Man 2 Fastest Selling PS Game Ever - 1:17:55

Question: How Often Do You Use Game Guides? - 1:28:04

Velvet's Corner: "Who's Trophy Is It Anyway?" - 1:37:00


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