In this Episode we welcome back Dapney Antoine Ph.D, the numerology guru! She takes us on a deep dive into how the use of numerology can help us in relationships of all kinds. By knowing and individuals "number sequence" we can help support them and the relationship.
Daphney Antoine Ph.D.
Holistic Life Counselor, Self-image coach, Mindset Coach,
Hypnotherapist, Author, Teacher & Master Numerologist
Dr. Daphney Antoine holds her Ph.D. in Metaphysical Philosophy, specializing in Holistic Life Counseling. Before her Metaphysical pursuits, her secular achievements are that she graduated with her BA degree in International Business and worked towards her master's degree in International Business. At that time, she freelanced as a hair and makeup artist in Miami. She fell in love with the glamorous world of fashion, which led her life to take a different turn to continue down the fashion and productions industry. An industry that she excelled in internationally. Working as an international hair and makeup artist for more than 20 years gave her an appreciation for the value of inner and outer beauty.
After the birth of her second son, Daphney decided to stop traveling and work on more local projects so she could be closer to home to raise her children. Fortunately, this allowed her the time to reconnect with her spiritual life through meditation. A life-altering reconnection which she has learned since has the potential to do the same for many others. Through meditation, she achieved this connection with the Master Numbers, a system that is now known as Integrated Master Numerology (IMN for short). This intuitive connection with the numbers led to the book she published in 2019 titled, Mastery Within 11:11. Dr. Daphney shared that, “The insight about Master Numbers I tapped into during my meditation is the Integrated Master Numerology system. A numeric sequencing ranging from 1-9 and 11-99. The IMN sequencing deals with Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. It took me three years to crack the codes and to fully understand the numbers, their potentials, and their significance in our lives. The knowledge that came through me allowed me to create formulas that identify the quantum effects in numbers and the numeric codes in our date of birth, auspicious occasions, relationships, the energy of the home, and how money cycles in our lives. The insights and the 12 tools shared in this book exposes this age-old knowledge, the cryptic secret in numbers and the mystical powers of numbers.” She is optimistic that your exposure to the information in the IMN book will help guide you with your journey to Mastery Within.
Dr. Daphney is a certified Hypnotherapist, trained in Theta Healing, a dedicated practitioner, and a teacher of meditation and guided meditation. She keeps a notebook and pen near her bed in case a message gets impressed on her psyche during her moment of stillness like it has in the past.
Dr. Daphney's mission with her work is based on this knowing: “People want to change their lives without making the necessary mindful changes required to align them to the life they desire. Unless you adjust your rightful thoughts to match your desired reality, any progress achieved, or changes made will be temporary. Remember, your thoughts create your reality.”
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