Episode 804 Toe the Rubber with Jim Rooney and Dave Dagostino featuring Rich O'Neill

Episode 804 Toe the Rubber with Jim Rooney and Dave Dagostino featuring Rich O'Neill

Announce the partnership……… Thoughts on the PAC and the holistic approach to player development that we are going to attempt. It is a small world but sometimes it is difficult to get the message to the players, parents, and coaches due to all the noise…… Many of the leading experts in the field of baseball and athletic performance such as Dr. James, Andrews state, “Baseball is a development game”. One thing that we continually hear is, if we get this guy stronger, he's going to be way better. They skip essential steps along the way such as proper movement patterns, creating force with the prime movers, and the ability to move force through the kinetic chain with proper stability in the joints. What are the problems that this way of doing things has created in young ball players and athletes?

What are the areas of most need in the young athletes that you work with? Many times in the Little League Age ball players work so hard on creating rotational force, but they haven't done any work on their ability to stabilize and provide a foundation for that rotational force.

Do you believe that resistance training in the rotational planes should be for 14 years or older (physical maturation) We often discuss the importance of the ability to hinge, is there any particular exercise progression that you use with your clients to help them improve this ability

We live in the world of Max effort throwing and often is very difficult to get young players to understand the importance of rhythm and timing. Is there anything in particular that you do to help athletes improve in this area?

Can you explain the problems created by bad posture, such as winged scapula improper, scapular stability or improper, scapular rhythm and timing in overhand throwers?

Along these lines in the young athlete, we often come across upper-trapezius dominant individuals.

What are some of the ways you have helped to improve mid to lower trapezius function? and please discuss the importance of this.

Why do you think modern training goals have become so focused on strength and power? Can you explain some pitfalls of this mindset?

Discuss the problems created when you overtrain the joint stabilizer muscles, such as the rotator cuff, before you have focused on proper closed chain kinetic exercises, especially in players under 14 yrs old.