Episode 773 Toe the Rubber featuring Dr. Nick Serio alongside host Jim Rooney and Dave Dagostino

Episode 773 Toe the Rubber featuring Dr. Nick Serio alongside host Jim Rooney and Dave Dagostino

Podcast Sept. 19, 2024 Intro - Dr. Nick Serio Dr. Nick Serio, earning his Doctorate of Education in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Western States, established Athletes Warehouse in 2014 and extended his commitment to athlete empowerment with the founding of Velo University in 2020. His unwavering mission is to reshape the conventional perspective on the development of student- athletes and usher in a new era of athletic excellence. Personal story - interject how we met....me Before the topics - what is the message, if any, you would like to share with the audience? Topics Baseball has been thought of as a physical, mental, and emotional development game. Where have you seen the most changes in the areas of player development both positive and negative? In your day to day with your clients, we have spoken of the thought that there is noa definitive standard on how to throw a baseball....... Give me your thoughts.... Please expound on this area as much as you desire......... Before we get into the topics - why is it so important for training protocols to be individualized? TJ epidemic (tip of the iceberg). your thoughts and where do you see the most damage being done in your day-to-day operations? Contributing factors: Improper throwing mechanics. Improper rest (weekly, monthly, annually), throwing year-round. Max effort philosophy in throwing and performance Pitch counts are adhered to in MILB and MLB but not in privatized amateur baseball Travel and Showcase baseball. Ex. 6 games on a weekend, where else does this happen? Your thoughts on overall pitching development. Where do you place the importance in how you teach and coach? It is a small world but sometimes it is difficult to get the message to the players, parents, and coaches due to all the noise...... Many of the leading experts in the field of baseball and athletic performance such as Dr. James Andrews states, “Baseball is a development game”. One thing that we continually hear is, if we get this guy stronger, he's going to be way better. They skip essential steps along the way such as proper movement patterns, creating force with the prime movers, and the ability to move force through the kinetic chain with proper stability in the joints. What are the problems that this way of doing things has created in young ball players and athletes? Examples: max effort long toss / light dumbell vs tubing What are the areas of most need in the young athletes that you work with? We often discuss the importance of the ability to hinge, is there any particular exercise progression that you use with your clients to help them improve this ability We live in the world of Max effort throwing and often is very difficult to get young players to understand the importance of rhythm and timing. Is there anything in particular that you do to help athletes improve in this area? Can you explain the problems created by bad posture, such as winged scapula improper, scapular stability or improper, scapular rhythm and timing in overhand throwers? Along these lines in the young athlete, we often come across upper-trapezius dominant individuals. What are some of the ways you have helped to improve mid to lower trapezius function? and please discuss the importance of this. Why do you think modern training goals have become so focused on strength and power? Can you explain some pitfalls of this mindset?