Dr. James Andrews interview. Baseball is a development game. High School pitchers, when stress of the UCL is initiated 80 mph, danger zone 85 mph, UCL can tear at any moment 90 mph. Genetics play a role in the strength of the UCL (former MLB pitcher's son for example. Showcase baseball, ban radar guns from high school down to younger levels. Max effort throwing with heavy balls and baseballs, max effort long toss. Dr. Meister interview. Manipulation of the baseball to create new designer pitches, Dr. Meister can look at MRI and see what pitches are being manipulated based on the type of tears. Elbow positioning - this research has been around for over 30 years. Birmingham clinic DR. Andrews and Dr. Fleisig. At proper elbow position, at foot strike, 90 degrees shoulder abduction and 90 degrees elbow flexion. Allows for proper external/internal rotation. When shoulder works correctly there is less stress on the elbow. Jim Curnal shows this through pics of pitchers at foot strike. Prime movers are prime movers and stabilizers are stabilizers should be the focus. Hip Mobility - Baseball Flows Max Effort Throwing - The lost art of pitching. The built in safety valves (both mental and physical have been circumvented. Modern pitchers (throwers) are trained to bust through the barricade, instead of improving movement patterns and improving rhythm and timing to eliminate these barricades, ex. Hinge the front hip in order to get through the hip, create extension out front then rotate the trunk. All conversations that assess individual pitches to pitchers' success (Pitch Ninja video analysis) does not provide answers for what makes a successful pitcher. We compare pitches and relate it to success but we don't realize that a pitchers' combination of pitches is the package for success. Developing pitchers who can pitch is difficult. The technology shows us the result but who can teach the how to a variety individuals? Justin Orenduff - 94% of HOF pitchers went overhead with their hands. He calls it rhythmic cadence. Nolan Ryan often stated when he was struggling that he had to find his rhythm and timing. Koufax - levers in proper position. Gallo - transitions. Rooney - TripleSpin We have eliminate this to eliminate rhythm and timing problems (which has had the reverse result). We have taken the athleticism out of the pitcher. The difference between guys who can research, guys who can teach and guys who did it TC - chiropractic medicine story. My rehab from fractured neck and facial nerve damage. Dr. Ferguson Energy systems and recovery - you need all of the the energy system to be a complete pitcher. Aerobic conditioning aids in recovery. Workload / Intensity / Rest Why are pitchers out of breathe throwing a bullpen (recent experiences). Try harder mentality, max effort Anaerobic threshold training.