A RedMonk Conversation: LLMs and Secrets Management (With Eric Fourrier, CEO of GitGuardian)

A RedMonk Conversation: LLMs and Secrets Management (With Eric Fourrier, CEO of GitGuardian)

Join RedMonk's James Governor and GitGuardian CEO Eric Fourrier for a discussion on the role of large language models (LLMs) in secrets management. DevOps processes and microservice architectures continue to drive application development towards a landscape that is more complex, distributed, and fragmented. This increases the prevalence of secrets such as database credentials, API keys, and tokens--which are used to connect all these pieces together--and increases the chance that such secrets may be inadvertently leaked, especially through code. This is where GitGuardian comes in, specializing in helping developers and their organizations with secrets detection and remediation at scale. This conversation focuses on potential advantages and challenges that the rise of generative AI technologies such as LLMs have introduced into the code security space and what this all means for the future of secrets detection and management.

This RedMonk Conversation was originally published in video form on April 4, 2024.