Acting, the Business - The JB&I Show Ep30

Acting, the Business - The JB&I Show Ep30

The Acting business is a hard one and many seek the lore of being an actor. Many quit the business of acting every day but at the same time many join the business of acting as well. Thank you for being here and thank you for your support. Also, don't forget to checkout my calming and relaxing music. Our Sponsor for this episode is: My Esty SHop: Also, Thank you for your support! Calming & Relaxing Music Website: Sponsor: Consumer Voice: 1) 2) 3) 4) - Calming and Relaxing Music Play List 5) Here is the JB&I Show podcast link: The JB&I Shpw Snippet is a weekly talk show blog about music, fitness and entertainment. This week I am talking about music and fitness. You are AWESOME! Never forget that. #entertainment #talkshow #jbishow #fitness #blog #music You are AWESOME! Never forget that.

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