Episode 21 Diana Perkins Valdivia X

Episode 21 Diana Perkins Valdivia X

Valdivia X is a theatrical post-punk goth-rock trio based in Long Beach CA. Our performance includes stage props, costumes, makeup and is as visual as audial. Our music is laden with powerful statements about the world we live in, featuring male and female lead vocals and industrial-strength lead guitar.

Diana Perkins: https://www.facebook.com/diana.perkins.733

Valdivia X: https://www.facebook.com/valdiviax1

Bandcamp: https://valdiviax.bandcamp.com/album/vx-one

Website: https://valdiviax.bandzoogle.com/valdivia-x-home

Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/z55BQQwutdo