- It's once again time to
get gutsy with Liz Hall
and her expert guests on
the Gutsy Babe Podcast.
- Welcome to the Gutsy Babe Podcast.
I'm your host, Liz Hall.
On today's episode, we'll be
talking with author, lecturer
and intuitive life purpose
coach Adam Banning.
He has authored two
books on human potential
and has lectured on them
throughout the world.
In his private practice,
he combines advanced coaching
techniques with ancient wisdom
to help people identify
their true life purpose
and live the life of their dreams.
Adam, thanks for joining us today.
- Oh, so good to be here.
Liz, on the Gutsy Babe Podcast. Let's get
- .
Yes, let's, alright, Adam.
So how did he get involved
with Life Purpose Coaching?
- You know, it's really interesting.
I've been quoting coaching for quite a,
a while now, about 30 years now.
And the reason why I got involved
with Life Purpose Coaching
was when I was younger,
I had the ability to
tell things about people
that I should never be able to know.
My parents were in the
rock and roll industry
and, um, they, uh, owned a
magazine by the name of Changes,
which was competing
with the Rolling Stone.
So we had lots of parties at
our big home in New York State,
and at about around the age
of seven, I started to talk
with adults and tell them
how to solve their problems.
And many of them had
questions in their lives like,
am I doing the right thing?
And I was able to give them insights
and answers back when
I was seven years old.
They actually brought me to have me
tested, uh, for psychic abilities.
And I heard I tested very high for them.
So I've always been using my intuition.
But one of the biggest things
that people in the field
of coaching hear from clients
is, you know, something,
I don't think I'm in the right field.
You know, something I need to change.
You know, something, I'm at
that point of transition.
What should I do with my
life? What is my life purpose?
So I started creating
algorithms, um, to be able
to support my intuition in the matter
and helping a lot of people out.
So it was, it was based on need.
That's how I got involved in it.
I wanted to find ways to set
people on the right trajectory
towards their life and purpose,
and also allowing them
to have a more blissful
and meaningful life.
- It's beautiful. So,
clearly, clearly this was your
- .
Yes. I am driven in this
- .
So can you share an
inspirational story about
how your coaching helped
transform the life
of a client in your practice?
- Yeah, yeah. There, there are
a number of 'em. My goodness.
It's, it's literally so rewarding
because there are so many
individuals, uh, uh, uh,
that I've been able to
assist and help with.
One of them was a real
estate professional.
He was a vice president of one company
and it was commercial real estate.
And he was having problems
because the individuals he was
working with, uh, the, the,
let's say the culture of the
group that he was working
with was just very, very stressful.
And it was very cutthroat.
And I, I had seen in my mind's
eye another company out there
that has a much better culture
and one that would give him a
million dollar signing bonus.
Yeah, . So what I did
was, is I went into state,
I counseled him on it.
I used some algorithms as it
related to what he wants out
of a job and what he wants out of a career
that I've created, uh, helping people
with their life mission.
And, uh, we got him in touch
with that competitor of his
and I worked with him in negotiations.
'cause I also work in
negotiation telling people, um,
what the other party's gonna
say before they say it.
So it's very helpful with negotiations.
And we got him a very recently
a million dollar signing bonus.
So that was a game changer
for him. And I'm, and I'm glad
- That is inspiring.
Yeah. Can I ask you what
techniques on your algorithms
that you use for this?
- You know, it's interesting
when you take a look at the
techniques of the algorithms,
there's five things I look at.
The first thing I look at is
what I call the divine toolkit.
Why do I call it a divine
toolkit? And what is it?
Well, there are certain things
that every single individual does easily,
even though they didn't get trained in it.
It's like some people
are just good at math,
some people are just like,
you put 'em in the kitchen
and all of a sudden they
show up like, you know,
Gordon Ramsey, you know,
um, so these items within
your Divine toolkit, it is my belief
that you are sent down here
to utilize these items in
your divine toolkit, these,
these abilities to
experience your life purpose.
So when somebody says,
Hey, you know something,
I'm good at drawing, but you
know, I'm never gonna use that.
I believe that's garbage.
It's gonna be some part of it.
Alright. We want you
to utilize all the things
you came down here with.
So that would be an area of
what do you seem to do easily?
And you can't explain why,
'cause you never received training on it,
or you started that way
and you did it easily, maybe
got more training on it,
but you started out with it being easily,
that's the first category.
Okay. I actually have a sheet for this,
and if anybody wants a sheet sent to them
so they can figure it out themselves.
Yes. And all you have to
do is send, um, an email
to the Adam, that's the Adam Harman,
H-A-R-M-A-N show.
So it's the Adam Harman
[email protected]
and just say, send me
the life mission sheet
and I will get that out
to you at no charge.
So you have that. So the
first section there is
that divine tool, divine toolkit,
things you do really well,
but you don't know why.
The next one is, is what
kind of help do people
or other people right now, what kind
of help do they commonly ask you for?
You know, it's really funny
when you're, especially,
you're dealing with people
who've known you for a while.
They see things about you that
you don't see about yourself.
So when they ask you to do things, it's
because they've received certain cues,
whether it be instinctual
or whether it be based on data points
and information that, uh, or,
or things that they've observed about you.
Um, this is really,
really important as well.
So write down a list of those.
What kind of things do
people ask you for help with?
The third area is what kind of
jobs have you had in the past
for more than six months
in your adult life?
And what parts of 'em do you like doing?
It's interesting, I, I
had one of my clients
who was an accountant, and
he said to me, you know,
something, I wasted 20
years being an accountant.
I wanna be a food
influencer and be a chef.
And I'm like, no, you didn't.
And he's like, what do you mean ?
And it turns out that
every single thing you do
for more than six months
is a choice, I believe,
on a subconscious and soul
level to be able to learn more
so you can fulfill your life purpose.
That, that gentleman ended
up being a food influencer.
But he talks all about
the economics of food
and how to be able to
make the budget stretch
and how to be wiser with the budget.
So he took all of his accounting
and he put it into this as well.
We are a compilation of
all of our experiences.
So asking what kind of jobs
have you had in the past before
and what parts of them do you like,
especially over six months
within your adult life.
That's a big indicator as well.
The number four thing is name
three things you're most proud
of doing in your life and
why you're proud of them.
You know, that feeling.
You ever get that feeling
where you're just on purpose,
you know what I mean?
It feels like the wind's
beneath your wings.
You've gotten that feeling
before, right? Yes.
It's a marvelous feeling.
And basically speaking, those are many
of the things you're also proud of
because it matches your needs
and shows you that you
can do certain things
that maybe you hadn't done before.
Okay. So really listing those
three things you're proud of,
that's also indicators of
what your life purpose
and life mission is.
And then lastly, what
things make you happy?
What excites you from day to day?
Everybody stands there and go,
I've got this goal, I've got that goal.
Okay. And they looking into
the future at this goal,
but there is no future yet.
The only time that exists is now.
So you can have that goal in your mind,
but are you enjoying
the path to your goal?
Yeah. That's what's going to sustain you.
Is it going to be giving
you things that allow you
to feel energized on
purpose, so on and so forth.
So an indicator of that.
What makes you happy and what excites you?
Once you get those things down,
what you notice within the sheet,
this life mission algorithm
sheet is you start seeing
repeats from one to the other,
where you see the repeats
from one area, starting with
what do you do easily, then
what kind of help do people
ask you for commonly then
what kind of jobs you've had in the past.
Name three things that you're proud of
and what makes you happy when
you start to see repeats.
That's the area in which I pull in,
take a look at the repeats, and
then I pull in my intuition.
The intuition is very, very interesting
because I found out that,
uh, a mechanism per se
behind my intuition, this
was really interesting,
and I teach people this as well,
is within Stephen Hawkings string theory.
Dr. Hawking, remember the one
in the wheelchair with the,
the vibrating voice, okay.
Who recently passed,
unfortunately, what a great genius.
Within his string theory, he spoke
of some interesting
things about the universe
and multiple universes.
He had said, interestingly
enough, initially
that it was his belief
that there are eight
parallel universes to ours,
but his numbers never really zeroed out.
Zeroing out is something that you want
to happen within mathematics,
especially in the area
of physics or other
mathematical equations.
Never zeroed out until the
final years of his life
before God bless, he passed.
He actually, instead of
putting eight in there,
he put infinite in there as a number,
and then all of his equations zeroed out.
So there are infinite parallel universes
with infinite parallel timelines.
And on a certain percentage
of those infinite universes,
you are there in one way, shape,
or form, different than you
are here in this universe.
So if we take a look at just
you being in 1% of infinite
parallel timelines, what's 1% of infinite?
Infinite, okay. So there are
infinite permutations as well.
What I found out I was
able to do is I was able
to take a look and make an assessment
of these infinite permutations,
these infinite timelines as
to the actual types of jobs
and careers that you had.
And I pick the ones that
have the most hits to them on
that infinite amount of
timelines that I can see.
I apply that to the common
and commonality between the
different rows within this
specific type of approach of
the life mission algorithm.
And we come up with some
pretty interesting outcomes
as it relates to a person's life mission.
- What's the average infinite timeline?
Most people have Average number.
- The average percentage. Because even,
even the half a percentage of
infinite is still infinite.
Okay. Um, I see people
at approximately, um,
and I'm asking my guides
about this one Okay.
As an UpToDate, and it's 0.0
0 0 3 2 7.
Percentage of the timelines is about
average, so less than 1%.
- Oh wow.
- But still, even
that number times infinite
is still infinite.
- This is all fascinating. This
- Is, it's interesting stuff.
It's a, it's combining both
intuition and quantum physics.
And, uh, when I was actually
39, I didn't know the mechanism
of my abilities to be able to
see people's futures
seize people's past lives
and help them with their life
mission through intuition.
I didn't know what the mechanism was
until I started studying
string theory at the age of 39.
And when I did that, I said, oh my
God, that's the mechanism.
It was, it's, it's very interesting.
- It's, that's so cool. And
it's the same like with you.
You found your purpose and
you found your skillset,
and you used all of your intuition,
and I guess you have
some amazing abilities
to create a career out of.
It is beautiful.
- It was interesting. I spent, um, uh,
25 years lecturing on the
subject of functional medicine
for a company by the name of Metagenics.
Mm-Hmm. . And even in
going to doctor's offices,
I would use my abilities in this way.
Many times I would ask a
doctor to not, uh, uh, usurp
or to have problems with HIPAA
law to take a file, any file,
put it face down so I
couldn't see the name of it.
Mm-Hmm. . And then I would
tell, um, him where him
or her, where the imbalances
were, um, where the like, uh,
likelihood of basic lab tests are
and what some of the remedies
that can be used, um, just
by looking at the folder
without looking inside.
Um, and my hit rate was very, very high.
I became well known for that
and a lot of doctors asked me to do that.
- Wow. Some special abilities that you
- .
Yeah. Everybody's good at
something. I'm good at those things.
- You hear this word empath?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- So are you an empath
and can you explain what
an empath is? Mm-Hmm. .
- Well, you know, when
you look at the word, uh,
in the general population
as empathy, okay?
Yes. But, um, being an empath,
I, I mean, um, I interviewed,
oh, what is her name?
She wrote the, um, uh, the,
uh, empath survival guide.
I'll remember her name in a moment.
Um, but, uh, I interviewed
her on my radio show on KABC.
Mm-Hmm, . Um, and most
people look at high empaths,
which I am, um, as an unfortunate curse,
one might say, because
when they're around lots
of other people, they feel
the yuckiness of other people.
They are empathetic,
but they are an empath, which means
the information comes from
others and goes to them.
One of the interesting
aspects of this though,
is it is a practice
that I teach my clients
about empathy uhhuh,
which takes the weight
of empathy off of them
and invigorates them.
So this is called Divine Witness.
So should I share this with your audience
- Please? Yes.
- There we go. For all
you empaths out there,
for all you people who found
yourself in a group of people
or, uh, just seeming to
attach energy vampires to you,
okay, , and they're out there.
Um, what, instead
of the information coming from
another person to, you think
of it as a highway where cars are coming
to you delivering mis messages to you,
and you take all comers, okay?
Because an empath deep down in their soul,
they just wanna help.
So they're willing to like,
literally fall on the knife to help.
So the information comes to
the, and they take it on.
Their conscious mind is
not so much like that.
The subconscious mind is where it happens.
So you receive this
and it's literally like you're a sponge
picking dirt off the floor.
Now let's take that, that road
of information, that highway
of information that's
going from another person
to you, okay?
And let's reverse it.
But let's get fed by
something that is so divine
and filled with love.
I tell my clients, what I'd
like you to do is I'd like you
to figure out, out of
these four environments,
I'm gonna tell you, I'd like
you to tell me which one
of these environments inspires
you, makes you feel at home,
makes you feel love,
and makes you feel warm.
And I give them four
different environments.
The first environment is a
beautiful magical forest.
Like even the one you would
see in like Lord of the Rings,
or you would see in Harry Potter.
And it's beautiful and green in there.
It's almost like a magical
forest that you would see out
of the days of, of, you know, uh,
the round table and so on and so forth.
Mm-Hmm. , that's the first one.
The second one is a beautiful desert.
It just goes on forever
and it's just a cool breeze
coming off the desert.
And it's all sorts of beautiful cactuses
with flowers in there.
The third one is looking up at a mountain,
a beautiful snow top mountain,
let's say a 5,000 foot tall mountain
and just looking at this
massive strong mountain.
And the last one is the ocean
with beautiful aquamarine
waves coming over a beach
of perfect white sand, just feeling all
of the life within the ocean.
So when you pick the one, what,
which would be yours, Liz,
where you feel powerful and
strong and heard and, and, and,
and, and loved, which
would be the number one,
- I would say the mountains.
- The mountains. There we go.
You know, it's an interesting
point about the mountains,
just to get off the point
for a quarter second here.
Individuals who are very
spiritual would go to the top
of the mountain to experience it.
Okay? So that is the
power move on your part.
I would expect nothing
less from the gutsy babe .
Um, so with that in
mind, you should imagine
behind you a beautiful snow
cap, majestic mountain.
Mm-Hmm. Alright. And then
with every breath you
think you take, think that,
think it's maybe like a
hundred yards behind you
with every breath the mountain
is sending you its energy,
A beautiful energy.
A beautiful blue energy is
coming from the mountain,
and it's being sent right into
your heart through your back,
with every breath you take, it fills
up more and more in your heart.
That feeling of strength,
that feeling of power,
filling up your heart
and with another breath, it
fills it up totally your heart.
Now it's got no place to go except
for rise up your throat again.
It's being fed by the mountain behind you,
rising up your throat into your head.
Feel that light blue energy in your head.
And as you open up your
eyes, imagine looking into
that other person's eyes,
sending those bluebeams of light,
of strength, of power,
of confidence into them,
into their mind, down their
throat, and into their heart.
And when it reaches
their heart, I want you
to imagine a beautiful
fireplace being lit in the heart
and that beautiful fireplace,
as you easily light it
through the flames in the
fireplace, you can see
that other person living
their life purpose with joy,
invigoration bliss.
So you're being fed by
the mountain behind you,
it fills you up with that love.
And as you give it to the other person,
it makes them feel seen.
You are no longer a dirty sponge, okay?
You are a giver of light and purpose.
So that's how I, I help with empaths.
Um, and, um, uh,
Judith Orloff was the
actual medical doctor,
was wrote that book.
I highly recommend it.
It's called, um, uh,
empath Survival Guide.
So that's, that's a great piece.
But I would also do
the, uh, divine Witness.
And if anybody wants to be
able to, uh, book a section
with me, I actually bring you
through the process more personally.
- Wow. I felt that that
was beautiful. Thank
- You. Isn't that fun stuff?
- It's, and I've been
told that I'm an empath.
- Oh, you definitely are. Empath.
I, I I've known it forward and backwards.
The moment, the moment I met you
- Recently, someone said, uh, is it a hiku
or I can't recall, it's a,
a tribal name.
Someone mentioned, oh, how
- Interesting.
- And it was like one
of the higher levels, the highest level.
Mm-Hmm. - . Mm-Hmm. . Also
another thing, another site
of an em, a true empath is mm-Hmm.
that is not just playing
with their empathy,
but ready to take it on is the
sweetness of the individual.
And you, like you had mentioned, um, to me
before many times, you know,
people used to come up with me
and come up to me from, you know, my,
uh, high school reunions.
And the one thing I always re
remembered was how sweet I was
with them, how kind I was with them.
That's also another sign of
an individual who's ready
to be able to do that type of work.
Remember, when it comes
to being an empath,
you don't just have to
take other people's crap.
You can also change it around
and move energy any way you want to.
And in this way it's much more productive.
And for an individual who's
been an empath their entire
life mm-hmm.
Many times it can feel like
a weight off their back.
Because now instead
of taking on other
people's issues, mm-hmm.
Now you are seeing them,
you're empowering them.
And through the simple energetics of them,
you're inspiring them.
- It's beautiful. I think you're right
because I do hear that a lot from people
that I've inspired them.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- That brings me joy.
- There we go. And we want you
to have joy, not just be gutsy.
We want, babe,
- Thank you for that,
Adam, working with you.
How can people better understand their
lives, their life purpose?
- Ah, there we go. So,
you know, the thing is,
life purpose is just one part of it.
I could stand there and I could go to you.
You should be, um, uh, the
owner of a chain of restaurants.
Okay? Mm-Hmm. .
But, and you'll stand there
going, well, that's great.
How do I get there? So
it's a twofold situation.
The first part is seeing what
utilizes all of your gifts,
whether they be, you know,
divine, uh, uh, tool bag gifts,
all the way to the other things
you've done in your life.
And then the second part
of it is taking a look at
other parallel timelines
for the person that they're
in, where they do understand
that this is their mission
and how they got from
where you are in this lifetime right now
to where they ended up.
So I can look for best practices
and ways to be able to look,
look forward in regards
to looking at your parallel
timelines and parallel universes
and utilizing the infinite parallel
timeline system that you are in.
Mm-Hmm. , almost like a
person would utilize a
Google search with the internet.
I look up parallel timelines
where this is the, the mission.
Can you show me how they got there?
And I almost literally
put it into a computer
inside my mind, and it pulls
out the parallel timelines in
which that is best represented.
And I just basically tell
people how you do it.
Many people will say to me
something which is sort of funny,
they'll say, wow,
that sounds like
something that I would do.
Like the recommendation I give.
I said, yeah, it is, it's just
another timeline you're in.
It's sort of funny that way.
So that, that is, is the
two-pronged situation.
The first prong is to be
able to literally take
and to be able to figure out
what, using the algorithm
and using my intuitive
abilities, what your purpose is.
But purpose without
path towards the purpose
can oftentimes be hollow.
So I help with the path
towards the purpose,
and also I have a great deal
of background in regards
to individuals promoting
themselves, um, writing books,
podcasts, whatever it takes to
be able to get a person down
that path quicker, more efficiently,
and to affect the world
in a greater fashion.
- That's beautiful. Yeah.
- Fun stuff.
- It's, it's so
after a person learns their true life
purpose, what do they do then?
Yeah. And how can they
integrate this into their life
and begin living the life of their dreams?
- Okay, so this is real
important here. Yeah.
And it's a real important
to remember this one.
Everything that keeps you from
your life purpose is located
between your left ear and your right ear.
It's all inside your mind. Yeah.
Your beliefs keep you from attending to it
because your beliefs will
keep you doing things
that you've done in the
past, not new things.
It's based upon all the different habits
and all the different
programming that's inside of you.
We want you to be able
to move in a different direction here.
So what you're really trying
to do is you're trying to be
as clean and as specific
and as transparent a version
of yourself as possible.
There are two things
that stand in your way,
and I, I do hypnosis work with, uh,
my clients to be able to get rid of those.
And I give them homework as well.
The first thing that stands
in your way from being
yourself is adaptation.
You know, we all try to get along, we do.
So we're willing to adapt,
but many times we're willing
to adapt to something
that is not truly our strong
points, our divine toolkit.
It's truly not who we are.
We adapt many times
to the mediocrity of the world around us.
So understanding where your
thoughts and beliefs come from.
An example of being able to do that is
to write down on a sheet
what you want out of life,
and then pull off of that sheet.
What items did not come from
your own teaching. Okay.
Your own wisdom. It's
just like, I want to be a,
a very powerful lawyer.
Okay, great. Who first told
you that? My mom. . Okay.
What did you want to be
before your mom told you that?
Oh, I wanted to be a psychologist. Really?
Okay, so let's look at that.
So the bottom line is putting down a list
and then picking out of
that list of the things
that you want out of your life,
the achievements you want,
which ones of those
came directly from you,
or which ones were influenced by others.
Okay? They're influenced by others.
You are adapting you the
needs of other people
as it relates to your life.
The second thing besides
adaptation is reaction.
Oh my God, have you ever
seen like two really,
really smart people get
into a personal argument
with each other, and it looks
like their IQ is like taking a
dive as they go further on with it.
It's like, dude, I know you're smart.
Why did you say that to
that person about, you know,
about their looks or something silly?
You know what I mean? . So
when it comes to reaction,
really, you know, there,
there's one thing I learned,
and this is a, uh, an adaptation
of a, a Buddhist piece
of wisdom, which is that
when you feel like reacting
to something in the world around you,
let's say it makes
making a statement, okay,
that is most usually not
the most effective way
to make change in the world.
And it will end up many times.
Instead of you taking
and making a statement out to
the world, you'll suppress it,
keep it inside you,
and it forms a problem.
Like, I'm not expressing myself.
When it comes down to it
where you feel like you
wanna make a statement
to a reaction, replace it with a question.
Once you start asking questions
about why a person acts a
certain way, so on and so
forth, then guess what happens?
The statements, the
need to be able to take
and react becomes much less.
Fill your life with
questions where there used
to be statements, and you will
find a life free of hunting
for injustice of life free, of
sticking your nose into areas
that it's not going to help you.
Really asking questions helps
with reducing reactivity also, peace.
Peace, man. Oh, do you know,
do you know what the funny thing is?
There are a lot of
people out there willing
to sell their soul for peace.
And, uh, you know, it
never ends that well. Okay?
And you might wanna ask just
the people listening right now,
do I, am I willing to
take a hit just for peace?
That may not be something you wanna do.
It may be something like
you're standing there going,
you know, something, I'd
rather not argue right now.
I'm just gonna give in.
Don't give in. Mm-Hmm.
It's important that you
express what your needs are
to the world, especially to the people
that you love and that love you.
So I, I do a lot of
couples counseling as well.
Well, mm-Hmm, . And the bottom
line is there's too many
people who just don't wanna
argue and wanna put it off,
but they're putting it off
to the point in which they
explode and have passive
aggressive activities.
So when it comes to peace,
it's a beautiful thing,
but don't give up too much for it.
- So it does, it starts
with the mind. Mm-Hmm.
And self love. I think that's crucial.
- Yeah. And the self-love
also includes self value.
How much you worth? Mm-Hmm. .
If you self value yourself
and you stand there with a
positive attitude, looking at
what you want in the world, not
what other people told
you you want Mm-Hmm, ,
then you'll probably do pretty well.
- That's beautiful.
- Yeah.
- It's like Michael Jackson's song. Yeah.
All start with Man in the Mirror. .
- Totally. It's interesting.
Michael Jackson also
brings up another point,
which is a meme that I put
out there in social media
to my, my followers.
And, um, it basically says,
Hey, when you can't fit in,
maybe it's time to lead.
- Yes. I love that.
- You know,
and Michael Jackson was a
perfect example of that.
I mean, literally, if we were
to take a look at his personal
life, even if there was no,
you know, hanky pany stuff, like a lot
of people think, right?
He was outta the ordinary.
- Yes, he was. He he
- Really didn't fit in.
Not too many people have a
farm, which includes zebras
and rides in their backyard, okay?
And, and like hanging out with children.
Uh, for whatever reason it
was with him, he was different
and he led, he was a leader in his field.
So I ask all the people
out there, you know,
if you don't feel like you fit in,
it doesn't mean you don't have purpose.
Sometimes we mix those up.
Maybe it's just time for
you to lead in the area
that your divine toolkit
and all the actions your life led you down
that path to your life purpose.
- Yes. I love that. I hope
everyone listening really takes
that to heart and goes out and leads,
- Leads, baby leads.
Because you, you know,
the interesting point is
you are more powerful as yourself.
They, they talk about actors as like, oh,
that actor did a great job.
And then you find out later on that
that's the actor was
just being themselves.
Okay? Right.
Nothing's more powerful than
you in your purest form.
That's why you were brought down here.
I think everybody has a purpose.
I'm an extreme believer in
that it's panned out many times in my life
where I've been proven right on that one.
But you have to be able to
give your unique contribution.
A unique contribution isn't fitting in
a unique contribution
certainly isn't, uh, reacting
because you're not acting
about who you truly are.
You're just reacting
from somebody else. Okay?
Your unique contribution is
understanding what I'm good at,
what I like to do, what charges
me up, what am I proud of.
All of these different things
are the way I want everybody
out there to live their
lives in the moment,
in presence in love.
And speaking about being present as well.
You know, that according to psychologists,
depending upon the which ones
you look at in the studies
around 90% of the time,
the average human being is not present.
They're either worrying about the future,
like the boogeyman, you know what I mean?
Someone knocking at the door
or they're feeling bad about the past.
So 90% of the time they're
doing that, they only have 10%
of their time here in the present.
So let's just take a look at life,
pur life purpose from that perspective.
If you only have eight
out of 80 years here,
how hard is it gonna be to be able
to fulfill your life
purpose in this lifetime?
I'd say it'd be pretty hard.
So presence is an important
thing that I teach
people in my first book,
seeing the angel in the mirror
available on Amazon for 11.
11, okay. Mm-Hmm. .
Shameless plug. I know.
Um, great number. There we go.
seeing the angel in the mirror.
So in the book, I actually helped people
with an algorithmic approach to be able
to become much more present.
We tested them beforehand
before they even started in
with the actual approach.
Um, and then we, uh, as it
relates to their happiness,
their bliss, their confidence
in their life, so on and so forth.
And then after just week of using one week
of using this technique,
we tested them afterwards.
Their numbers on average
were four times happier,
four times more blissful,
four times more confident.
And we also saw with, in
the way it was set out,
they were four times more present.
So instead of only being
present 10% of the time,
they were present 40% of the time.
Imagine living a life like
that, living a life in purpose
and a life that is blissful
because you are here in
the only place that exists.
The present,
- A great tool to help with
being present is gratitude.
- Oh my goodness, you just nailed it,
- .
I, I try to be extremely grateful
and I every morning say all the
things that I'm grateful for
and it helps me personally
be in the present.
- Yeah. Good for you. That's dynamite.
I think that's a wonderful thing
to be able to do with individuals.
You know, there's actually
this gratitude meditation
where you feel angel's wings on your back.
It's a guided meditation. Yeah.
- You did that with me, um, like a month
or two ago and Right, right.
I still visualize and
could feel my big fluffy
- .
There you go. It's great.
Hey, if anybody wants to
and they send to the Adam
[email protected],
send me a link to the
gratitude meditation.
I'll send that out at no cost too.
- I highly recommend all
my listeners to check out
and email Adam Harmon show gmail com to
get all of what he is offering for free.
Uh, the gratitude, uh, angel, uh,
prayer is it, or Mm-Hmm.
. It, it's just beautiful.
- It's, I call it the triangle
because we focus on
our feet and our heart.
Right. But it allows you to be able
to feel wings on your back.
And it's so interesting.
Some people actually respond to it, like,
it felt like something
was on my back before,
but I didn't realize it was angel wings.
Yeah. It sort of brings back
memories from the past from
them, which is just lovely.
- Yeah. I mean, I instantly
just started sitting up
straighter as we were talking about it. ,
- There you go.
- . So, Adam, this has been beautiful
and so enlightening
and it's so in line with
personally my purpose of,
uh, the Gutsy Babe, right?
I want people to, I want my,
my, all my listeners to listen
to their gut and lead with
their gut and be gutsy in life.
Yeah. And I thank you for that.
So Adam, how can people reach out to you
and learn more, uh,
about you or your books
or book a session with you even? Right.
- Well, they can actually reach out to me
by contacting me on email or
by texting me, um, by phone.
The email on that is once
again the Adam Harman,
that's H-A-R-M-A-N
[email protected] saying,
I wanna find out more or
I wanna book a session.
Another way is to contact
me directly by text.
And that number is 3 1 0 9 9 9 7 8 7 7.
That's 3 1 9 9 9 7 8 7, excuse me,
7 8 7 7. Alrighty.
- Alright, Adam, thanks again for coming
and sharing with our listeners today.
This has been so beautiful
and I thank you for your time.
- Well, it has been my
pleasure. Folks, get out there.
Be gutsy. Let's make your gut impressions
important and then act on them.
- Alright, well that's it
for this episode of The Gutsy Babe.
I'm your host, Liz Hall,
wishing you a week filled
with opportunities with Lebanese.
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