Red Bull Imagination 2.0 and Punta Cana Debauchery Recap on the Pro Taper Kickstart Podcast

Red Bull Imagination 2.0 and Punta Cana Debauchery Recap on the Pro Taper Kickstart Podcast

Presented by Pro Taper

The off-season is in full swing, and you'd think we had nothing to talk about in this week's Pro Taper Kickstart Podcast, but the non-racing shit is arguably even more fun to shoot! Anton was in Kansas last week for the Red Bull Imagination 2.0 event with 12 of the gnarliest free riders in the world on hand and had lots of stories to tell. ARay, meanwhile, spent last week in Punta Cana on vacation with two other couples. If you saw any of the Instagram stories last week, you'll wanna hear his stories, too.