Station 13 ep 4: Missing Cat & Alaskan Nights

Station 13 ep 4: Missing Cat & Alaskan Nights

Join us on this weeks episode of station 13. Void hears back from the missing boy Alex, finds an odd missing cat poster offering $5000 in pottery barn gift cards and tells us what she could discern about Chicken Alley and the Phantom Chickens of seymour.

Garth Strongwater voiced by Lyric Dimmig found under lapcatcreations on tiktok

Misc voiced by Rain found on Onward & Onward Pod

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Editors Note: Sorry for any shaky audio voluming. Due to technical issues we were unable to re-record parts of the cast that may seem too quiet. In the future this shall be avoided, unfortunately it is to late to correct the error as we are doing this while holding down day jobs and we still wish to get this out to you on a reasonable schedule. Again these mistakes shall be thuroughly avoided in the future and I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Also there will be no episode on the 5th of august due to a birthday on the staff, in lue of that we will be posting back to back with episodes 5 and 6 airing the 12th and 19th of August.