Episode #25: Beaver Fever!
This week, we discuss a Georgia fan’s imaginary argument with an Ohio State fan, a Michigan State fan accusing Michigan of trying to steal their players, Florida State’s top media enemies, a South Carolina fan’s terrible, no-good nickname for a Gamecock football player, a Clemson fan’s hankering for fried beaver, and our Genius of the Week!
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MBG - @BoardGeniuses
Casey - @FromSluggo
Hoos - @HoosFootball
Joy - @daileyjoyf
Podcast - @TheMBGPodcast
Special Thanks to @CFBHome on Twitter and @SaturdaysCount for their partnership of the MBG Podcast.
Voice Intro:
Virginia Hamilton, https://virginiahamilton.net/
Theme Song:
Midnight Blues by lemonmusicstudio, https://pixabay.com/music/modern-blues-midnight-blues-21179/
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