This episode features an interview with Tyler Vasseur, a member of the Build a Fighting NALC (BFN) coordinating committee. Vasseur provides an update on the open bargaining resolution, highlighting its significant growth in support since a previous interview. He explains that the resolution's popularity stems from both widespread anger over inflation's impact on letter carrier wages and heightened expectations among union members due to recent successful contract campaigns in other sectors (Teamsters at UPS, UAW).
Vasseur counters common arguments against open bargaining, citing historical examples of public actions in NALC and emphasizing that demands are not promises. He argues that a transparent contract campaign would mobilize members, build public support, and put pressure on USPS. He addresses concerns about potential negative consequences of open bargaining, such as a recession or Congressional backlash, emphasizing the need for a firm stance against concessions and building a strong, unified union.
Vasseur then details BFN's plans for the upcoming NALC convention, outlining strategies to ensure the resolution passes, including pre-convention mobilization and engaging delegates. He explains BFN's longer-term goals, including establishing formal leadership structures and a comprehensive program to transform the NALC into a more democratic and member-focused organization. The core principles of BFN are outlined: open bargaining, a $30/hour starting wage, an end to mandatory overtime, a workers' wage for union officers, and the right to strike. The interview concludes with information about BFN's upcoming Zoom meeting and a shared commitment to building a stronger, more effective union.