CCP40: On Criticism of Mega Churches

CCP40: On Criticism of Mega Churches

In this week's conversation between Dr. James Emery White and co-host Alexis Drye, they discuss the criticisms that are frequently directed at mega churches within the Christian community. Dr. White is able to offer a unique perspective on these common critiques, as Mecklenburg Community Church started out about as small church as you can get, growing gradually to be considered a mega church.

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One of the criticisms they discussed is that mega churches are all far too liberal in terms of orthodoxy, and that they are watering down the gospel. Dr. White mentioned a book titled Why Conservative Churches are Growing by Dean Kelley, which explored how many of the largest mega churches are those with very conservative doctrinal statements and beliefs.

There are several blogs that Dr. White has written related to some of the criticisms mega churches face. The first is titled “The Very False Dichotomy Between Evangelism and Discipleship” addressing the criticism that large churches focus only on evangelism and not on discipleship. He wrote two blogs on the idea of “community” today, as many feel community cannot happen within the doors of a mega church. These blogs are titled “Community 101: Finding vs. Building“ and “Community 102: Shalom.” Finally, you'll find the blog “The Ending of Seminaries as We've Known Them” as it relates to the often antagonistic attitude that some seminaries have towards large churches.

There are also two Church & Culture Podcast episodes that would be worth the time to go back and listen to that were mentioned during today's conversation. Be sure to check out CCP31: On Celebrity Pastors and CCP 4: On Pastors and Moral Failings.

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