How do I control access to my podcast?

You control access to your podcast by adding and removing people by email. Each person receives their own personalized private podcast feed. They can add that feed to just about any podcast app they choose. They will then have access to all the episodes currently on the feed. They will also have access to any new episodes on the feed until you revoke their access. If you revoke access they will no longer receive any new episodes you add to your show.

What apps work with private podcasts?

A large amount of apps work with private podcasting, though some popular ones do not.

Work with private podcast feeds:
  • Apple Podcasts (iOS)
  • Overcast (iOS)
  • Pocket Casts (iOS & Android)
  • Podcast Addict (Android)
  • Breaker (iOS & Android)
  • Downcast (iOS)
  • Castro (iOS & Android)
  • Podcast Republic (Android)
  • Castbox (iOS & Android)
Do not work with private podcast feeds:
  • Google Podcasts
  • Google Play Podcasts
  • Spotify
  • Pandora
  • iHeartRadio

Can I put my podcast behind a paywall?

Private podcasts are great way to have a premium pay for access podcast. After a user pays you, you can add them to your private podcast and they will receive an email to add the feed to their favorite app. They will get access to all previously released episodes, and any new episodes going forward. If they stop paying for access you can remove them and they no longer get new episodes.

Can I still create separate public shows?

Yep the private podcasting includes everything from our normal PodServe.fm offering. That includes unlimited public shows with unlimited episodes. The public shows can also receive the free promotion that is included with all PodServe.fm public shows. Learn more about the standard offering

How secure is private podcasting?

Private podcasting works by giving a personalized feed with a password to add to a podcast app. To listen on a public app that means the public app will have access to the podcast files. That means the underlying audio files will be somewhat public in order for the app to download them. This means private podcasting wouldn't be recommended if you plan to announce company secrets or it would be a liability if the audio ever leaked.

The private podcast will not show up in any public directories or be available in search on any directories. A password is also required to access the contents of the podcast feed. That means it is quite difficult to get access to the content in the feed. The fact that it works with popular podcast apps though means that app is a thirdparty who could possibly have access to the content.

Are there limits to how long or how many podcast episodes I can upload?

PodServe.fm does not have a limit to how long a podcast can be. Some of our users have single podcast episodes that are 5+ hours long and we host them no problem.

PodServe.fm also does not limit how many hours of podcast you can upload a month. Upload to your heart's content and never worry about hitting a limit.

Any Other Questions?

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