Color Code Your Dog Food with Gayle Pruitt
CCYDF E23 - A Peach Salsa Recipe for People & Dogs, Peach Pits that helped win WWI and Buno the Town Dog
  CCYDF E23 - A Peach Salsa Recipe for People & Dogs, Peach Pits that helped win WWI and Buno the Town Dog
Aug. 18th
  CCYDF E22 - The Importance of Filtered Water & Clean Bowls + Kong the Chow
Jul. 23rd
  CCYDF E21 - Cucumber/Celery super drink for Dogs & People + African Hunting Dogs
Jul. 13th
  CCYDF E20 - Watermelon Gazpacho for Dogs!
Jul. 9th
  CCYDF E19 How Oral Health Affects Brain Health for Humans and Dogs
Jun. 12th
  CCYDF E18 Seeds
May. 20th
  CCYDF E17 Healthy Snacks!
Apr. 15th
  CCYDF E16 More about canine dental issues and recipes
Apr. 1st
  CCYDF Episode 15 Dental Care & More Stories
Mar. 22nd
  CCYDF E 14 All about the right kind of Cinnamon for You & Your Dog
Feb. 22nd
  CCYDF E12 Taurine may increase lifespan in humans & dogs
Feb. 14th
Jan. 23rd
  CCYDF Episode 10
Dec. 20th
  CCYDF Episode 9
Dec. 3rd
  CCYDF E8 - Love, laughter, music and dancing helps keep you and your dogs immune-system in great shape along with great food
Sep. 23rd
  CCYDF E7 - Immune Systems
Sep. 10th
  CCYDF E6 - All about Green Food and lowly gelatin. Today yummy green recipes and stories about Tommy the Hero Cat and Zooming Mimi
Aug. 22nd
  CCYDF E5 - All about seeds, and a fun little cookie recipe made with several different seeds. So good so healthy for you and your Canine Kid
Aug. 3rd
  CCYDF E4 - All about the color Purple and why Purple is truly Royal & Delicious
Jul. 2nd
  CCYDF E3 - Red pigment in foods. Why Lycopene is so good for you and your dog(s).
Jun. 25th
  CCYDF E2 - The color Orange and Beta Carotene
Jun. 6th
  Coloro Code Your Dog Food (CCYDF) E1 - Podcast Premiere! A Rainbow of Nutrition, Information, and Canine Tales
May. 22nd